Week 2 has come and gone. I am really working harder now, at least physically, than I did before my layoff. Many tasks have been or are in stages of completion. My sister recently moved out of state and her house is going to be sold this week - so I am helping her by getting the rest of her belongings out and running the vac before final walk through. She cannot get in town to take care of these things....ah family. Lucky for her, we are a pitch in and get it done bunch!
I don't understand the intepretation of dreams. Sometimes it is probably best to not attempt to make sense of some things. One thing that has become very interesting to me, is the sudden existence of actual dreams - vivid ones. Some good, some bad. I've heard that we all dream and rarely remember them, but I am not sure that is accurate. The last two Fridays I have met the ladies with whom I used to work for lunch. Some of them still have a few weeks left, and have commented on the lack of visible stress is my face now. Sure some of that is probably the Prozac, but during the last few days I have come to the belief that my sleep is now more restful, and my dreams more Tim Burton-esque, because I no longer spend my nights mentally processing and storing all the stress inducers experienced during the day. 'They' say dreams are how we process those things and why our dreams can be so wacky - but why didn't I remember and feel my dreams then the way I do now? Ahhh, because I lived it once, and the replay going on in my mind to compress and file and make room for more was not anything new, therefore, it was nothing of note! AH-HA.....epiphany! The creative side is now able to swing her wings and take care of me. The movies in my mind are more entertaining, ergo, I don't have the desire to wake up two and three times a night now, ergo, my rest is more recuperative and the stress in my face replaced by happiness.
Maybe everyone has it wrong, wrinkle creams and face lifts aren't the way to make your face look younger and more radiant. Maybe losing your job is the way to go.......well, at least until reality (known as the mailman) delivers a fresh stack of bills!
I find this more amusing than my kids do
5 years ago
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