Friday, May 8, 2009

Grief and heartache

The Mister's sister passed away on March 22, 2009 at 12:35am with her family by her side. Funeral planning and the business of death is simply unbearable. If you have not yet experienced the necessary work and costs associated with the death of a family member, I beg of you to call your perferred funeral home and discuss making your arrangements ahead of time. Or at least make sure that you have at least a small life insurance policy to enable your family to satisfy the funeral home that payment will be made. Believe me when I say the past several months have been almost too much to bear.

The Mister is meeting with a grief counselor every week. If your employer has an EAP (Employee Assistance Program), these are the times to use it. The Mister was simply unable to sleep, his ability to go to work was hindered. Sometimes the ear of someone not emotionally invested in your problem is the best route. I am supposed to be support and positive, but a stranger would not be so biased. After just a couple of visits he seems to be dealing much better.

A little bit of relief has come in the way of the Flirty Apron Swap - Vintage Re-mix. This was my first swap, and while I was delayed in shipping due to the family death, I felt more than a little refuge while cutting out patterns pieces, pressing, pinning, sewing, pressing, etc. I was so proud of my creation that I spent about three days taking it to work and other places to show it off. I added some items from my hometown and state (VA IS FOR LOVERS!) - a cookbook by the Roanoke Valley Junior League and a can of peanuts from the Virginia Diner. I hope Kristi in CA enjoys her package.
BTW----I signed up for another apron swap. :)

1 comment:

Carolyne said...

Hello Karen~
It was so very nice to be in the Flirty Apron Swap with you. Have a wonderful Spring working in your *new* apron.
You will be in my prayers.
((hugs)) Carolyne