Monday, September 8, 2008

Testing the Waters

Greetings and Salutations from the Star City of the South, Roanoke VA!

As I have recently spent time perusing the blogs of other folks, I noticed that I was spending more time actually doing the things I like to do. I pulled out my Deco 600 and started to embroider those lovely little fleece baby blankets I purchased roughly three years ago. A loose needdle bar sent the Deco to the hospital for a couple of days, but she came home freshly lubed, oiled, tightened and aligned.

The serger was re-threaded just yesterday (I thread using the cheating method and will happily admit that to all) Some hideous fabric the MIL thought would be mah-velous in her dining room was quickly edged, folded and placed back in the bag from whence it came. It now sits in the car waiting for my next trip across town so it can be reunited with the person who fell in love with it at the thrift store. (Someone GAVE away over 4 yards of this stuff - and there was a reason)

I even took my trusty free-arm Singer machine for a spin over the weekend.

And you know something, it felt good! There are projects laid out awaiting my evening return from the salt mines. That makes me very happy, kinda giddy. A crafter who has been through the blah stage, no motivation to actually do anything with that ever growing mountain of craft ideas, fabrics and yarns and has found their inner Martha, know exactly what I mean.

On a side note, we had a new baby arrive at the farm this weekend. I'll post photos later, but a new male alpaca cria was born Saturday 9/6 at 11AM. One more cria due any day - keep fingers crossed for a girl please!

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